Days are getting shorter. Weather is getting colder. This week I am lazy. So I thought a simple shoot, in front of my balcony window would be a nice idea. A few hours before the arrival of the subject, I metered the light by the window. 1\60th at 2.8, 400 ISO. This was not good. It was around 12pm and Stevie would be there at 2pm, which means the light would be even dimmer then. I had no choice but to add a strobe on the balcony.
For this shoot, I made sure to slow down the pace even more than last week. No sporadic snapshots. And it payed off. All the pictures were in focus. I did mess up one shot by pre-emptively opening the film back before rewinding it.
I developed this roll in Ilfosol 3. 1 + 9 dilution following the time recording from the massive dev chart. Grain, contrast, sharpness. I have nothing to complain about. Looks good.
So, I shot a second roll outside, on the balcony. I used only natural light and controlled the light by using some negative fill. When I metered, the light was way lower than I had anticipated. I hat to push the ISO to 1600 and that only cave me 1\60th at 2.8. And went ahead and shot the roll. Developed in Rodinal at 1 + 50. Unfortunately, the results did not turn out as I would of wished. Maybe I should of did a stand development. I might of yield more shadow detail. In any case, here are the pictures.